22 utenti seguono questa band
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Crabby's - Drown

Genere musicale

Rock ▸ Pop rock

Data inserimento

05 Giugno 2018

Voti ricevuti


Voto medio

rapporto conflittuale (amore e odio) tra 2 amici. Rapporto che affoga in un mare di bugie. Anche una riflessione sul poco tempo che i nostri demoni ci danno prima di prendere i sopravvento in sconsiderate decisioni e azioni.

Testo del brano

Don't you know, you are afraid
life is flowing in your hands
it’s late my friend I go ahead in this new land

In any case my life will change
It’s time to be myself
Let the dog --- run away in other ways

run away again

Suddenly I realize
You are my friend and you let me cry
You are another nightmare in my life…

Oh….. ice is melting in your hands
Ask your demon for another time…another time

People flowing in your mind
While your life is drowning in your lies…your lies

ice is melting in your hands
Ask your demon for another time …another time

People flowing in your mind
While your life is drowning in your lies

I want to be your friend again
life is flowing in your hands
it’s late my friend I go ahead in this new land

In any case my life will change
It’s time to be YOURself
Let the dog run away in THIS NEW land

…. run away again….

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